Republican Who Took Democrat In-Kind Money Has Most Progressive Record

Republican Delegate Glenn Davis had voters scratching their heads when his campaign reported over $40,000 in in-kind contributions from the Democratic Party of Virginia. That’s because it’s rare for an opposing party to show up as the 4th largest donor…

New Virginia Press Exclusive: GOP Candidate’s NeverTrump Past Revealed

Virginia Republicans are optimistic that public backlash to the new Democrat policies spewing out of Richmond may help them pick up seats in Congress this year. The most vulnerable Democrat incumbent in Virginia is Abigail Spanberger, who represents a district…

Conservative Grassroots Champion Makes Huge 2020 Announcement

Dave Brat made history when he pulled off one of the greatest upsets in the history of elections in 2014. Backed by a tidal wave of grassroots conservatives, Brat was sent to D.C. to “Drain the Swamp” before it was…

New Poll Shows Tight Race For Virginia Democratic Primary

Virginia joins over a dozen other states in casting its votes for the Democratic Primary on March 3rd. And with the election just a matter of weeks away, the race for the party’s nomination is heating up. But some Virginia…

GOP Delegate Reported $44K From Democrats, Then Voted For Gun Control

For weeks now, the new Democrat majority in Richmond has been ramming through a host of gun control bills on a regular basis. But some of the Democrat-backed attacks on Virginia gun owners are being supported by Republicans too. And…

Leaked Audio Catches Democrat Demanding Slavery Reparations: “We have to pay for the sins of our fathers”

Just weeks remain until the November 5th election which could decide Democratic or Republican control of Virginia for the next decade. And just a handful of seats across the state will determine this. Now, a new bombshell revelation just dropped…

Sexual Slur Could Tank This Democrat In A Razor-Thin Race

With control of the General Assembly down to just a handful of seats, even the smallest mistakes could be the difference between victory and defeat. One Democratic candidate for Delegate just made a decision which could cost him his race.…

A Virginia Democrat Is Fundraising Off The Philadelphia Shootout

Earlier this week six police officers were injured during a gunfight with an armed suspect. While the injuries were serious, it appears  each will recover in time. But one Virginia Democrat decided the horrific events could be used to fundraise…

Parents Outraged By Leftist Propaganda At Virginia Tech Orientation

Penny Nance was excited to send her son to Virginia Tech. He had been accepted to the University’s Engineering program, and made the decision to join the Army ROTC program. She also appreciated Tech’s rich military history, specifically the military…

A TV-Masked Man Is Leaving These Strange Packages At Virginia Homes

A new type of crime just hit Central Virginia, and local residents are bewildered. The suspect referred to as the “Secret TV Santa” is showing up uninvited on people’s doorsteps and leaving old TVs on their stoop, but with a…

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