Al Gore, the former Vice President and creator of An Inconvenient Truth just made a big stop in Virginia. After many of his film’s claims were proven, his latest “environmental justice” tour is meant to rebuild his image. One of…
Northam’s Approval Rating Just Dropped Again
The scandal-ridden governor is still fighting to stay in office his full term. Announcing that he isn’t going anywhere, Governor Ralph Northam has been scheduling apology events to make up for his behavior. But the latest Washington Post poll reveals…
Tina Freitas Announces Primary Challenge Against Emmett Hanger
Tina Freitas officially announced her run for State Senate Saturday with a series of events throughout the district. After Freitas revealed that she was exploring a primary challenge against sitting Senator Emmett Hanger, rumors spread rapidly that she was almost…
Attacks Fly Wildly in Race for Senator Black’s Open Seat
Once Senator Dick Black announced his retirement, local Republicans began scrambling to win the GOP nod for his seat. At first, the outgoing Senator remained neutral. But when the race started getting too hot, Senator Black weighed in to keep…
Trump on Virginia: “That state is going to go Republican”
During his big rally in El Paso, Texas, President Trump hit a lot of sore points for the Democrat Party. After shaming Governor Ralph Northam for his support of late-term abortion, he explained what he thinks will happen next in…
Northam Grants Voting Rights to 11,000 Convicted Felons
Embroiled in a racism scandal for his yearbook photos and facing severe backlash for his comments on late-term and post-birth abortion, Governor Ralph Northam is trying to carry on with business as usual. He’s already stated to the public that…
Virginia Democrat Faces Backlash for Anti-Semitic Comments
Ibraheem Samirah, the Democratic candidate for Delegate in Virginia’s 86th House district, has been accused of anti-Semitic comments after his sordid track record of railing against Israel came to light. Samirah is a proponent of left-wing ideals, the Green…
Pro-Life Crowd Flocks to Rally in Richmond
Thursday, Virginia First Foundation’s Commonwealth for Life hosted their “March on Richmond” rally on the steps of Virginia’s State Capitol. The event drew upwards of 500 attendees sporting signs and placards opposing abortion. Speakers roused the crowd with calls condemning…
AG Herring Confesses To Wearing Blackface During College
Virginia Democrats are facing their worst news cycle in recent history. First, the Governor was embroiled in a racism scandal, then the Lt. Governor was hit with sexual assault claims. Now, the Attorney General is facing a blackface scandal of…
Trump Targets Northam During State of the Union Speech
President Trump cast his vision Tuesday night during the State of the Union address. He described the security and prosperity he’d like to realize for the country, but he stopped to expose his thoughts on what he explained is a…