
A Major Democrat Left Jaws on the Floor with this Play

Everyone knew this Democrat was far to the Left. But no one expected him to…

Union Bosses Are on Edge After this Latest Move in D.C.

You might not hear about it in the major news networks, but Metro General Manager…

300 Democrats Swarm This Toss-up Race and You‘ll Never Guess Who’s Footing the Bill

Outside Democrats are flooding this toss-up Virginia race. On Saturday three hundred Democrats flocked to…

Nancy Pelosi Just Got Word of Something That’s Disrupting the Entire Election

Nancy Pelosi is hungry to be Speaker of the House again. And if the pundits…

WATCH: Democrat Forgets Which State he’s Running In

This year has been a showcase of Democrats who don’t have the slightest clue about the offices they’re running for.

First, a self-described socialist in New York revealed the fact that even though she’s only running for Congress, she’ thinks being elected will win her an inauguration and the power to sign bills.

Now Ben Jealous has made a major gaffe and tanked his hopes of being elected.

Poll Results: Chris Peace or Scott Wyatt in HD97?

 Hanover Supervisor Scott Wyatt is vying to replace Chris Peace as the next Republican…

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