Pro-Gun Groups Still Wary of Several Gun Confiscation Bills in Virginia

Republicans have already killed several gun confiscations bills that the Democrats had hoped to pass…

Drivers to be Filmed and Penalized for Taking Exits to Avoid New I-81 Tolls

Traffic has been worsening on I-81 for several years, but so far no permanent solution…

Gov. Northam Calls for California-style Voting Laws in Virginia

Advancing on gains made last year, Democrats in Virginia are pushing for another big play.…

Democrats Push Gun Confiscation Bill in Virginia

Quick on the heels of their big win in 2018, Democrats announced a sweeping gun…

A Pro-Gun Group in Virginia Just Launched a Fight to Stop the ATF

Without a single action from Congress, the ATF just moved to ban bump stocks nationwide.…

Northam Claims He Found New Money for Education, but It’s All From Increased Taxes

During a partial unveiling of his budget plan, Governor Northam tried to cast his backdoor…

A Richmond Official’s Stunning Admission Casts Doubt on Medicaid Expansion

One official just exposed a little too much during a committee meeting in Richmond. She…

This Major Democrat’s Run For High Office Was Just Sunk By His Past

This Democrat’s past is coming back to haunt him. His harsh attacks against the GOP…

A Major Democrat Left Jaws on the Floor with this Play

Everyone knew this Democrat was far to the Left. But no one expected him to…

This Top Democrat’s Dream Program is Crumbling Before it Even Begins

Just as President Obama botched his launch of Obamacare, Democrat Ralph Northam is rushing to…

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