Obamacare Just Gutted Another State Budget as Medicaid Costs Explode

Despite all the promises, Obamacare hasn’t improved U.S. healthcare. In fact, many families’ premiums are higher than ever before. Now another wrench in the works may spell disaster. Medicaid Spending Blows Past Projections When Medicaid Expansion — the final piece…

A Richmond Official’s Stunning Admission Casts Doubt on Medicaid Expansion

One official just exposed a little too much during a committee meeting in Richmond. She was trying to justify Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. Her words were meant to quiet fears that the program was on shaky ground. But what she said…

Nancy Pelosi Just Got Word of Something That’s Disrupting the Entire Election

Nancy Pelosi is hungry to be Speaker of the House again. And if the pundits are right, it’s well within her reach. But that was before the latest news derailed her high hopes. Early Election Results are Destroying the Idea…

These Moderate Republicans Just Got News That Could End Their Careers

The news was music to Democrats but shocked the GOP. Work Requirements were the linchpin that pulled more liberal Republicans into VA’s Obamacare expansion. But that promise is about to unravel just as the expansion takes effect. Work Requirements Pushed…

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