Gov. Northam Admits Gun Control Wouldn’t Have Stopped Virginia Beach Shooting

Disgraced Governor Ralph Northam was quick to make political hay out of the Virginia Beach shootings. He announced an emergency legislative session, summoning all of Virginia’s part-time legislators back to Richmond to vote once again on his slate of gun…

Medicaid Expansion Woes Continue

Last year, the Virginia General Assembly approved an expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare. Democrats and liberal Republicans who sided together to push through the last piece of Obamacare in Virginia defended the move as a “conservative” expansion. But new evidence…

Virginia Dems Launched A Wild Attack Against The GOP, But It Backfired

Virginia Democrats are using a photo of Republican House Speaker Kirk Cox to accuse him of sporting a ‘white power’ sign, generate outrage, and raise money for their unit. The first instance of the photo’s presence is from eight years…

Gov. Northam Calls for California-style Voting Laws in Virginia

Advancing on gains made last year, Democrats in Virginia are pushing for another big play. After last year’s success pulling in soft Republicans to help pass their agenda, Democrats are eagerly asking for more. This year they’ve announced a bold…

Democrats Push Gun Confiscation Bill in Virginia

Quick on the heels of their big win in 2018, Democrats announced a sweeping gun control package this year. The crown jewel being the Gun Confiscation Order bill, often referred to as a “Red Flag Law.” Now all eyes are…

Obamacare Just Gutted Another State Budget as Medicaid Costs Explode

Despite all the promises, Obamacare hasn’t improved U.S. healthcare. In fact, many families’ premiums are higher than ever before. Now another wrench in the works may spell disaster. Medicaid Spending Blows Past Projections When Medicaid Expansion — the final piece…

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